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General astronomy

Contributors in General astronomy

General astronomy


Astronomy; General astronomy

Small rocky and/or icy particles that are swept up by the earth in its orbit about the sun. Also called "shooting stars", they travel across the sky in a very short time, from less than a second to ...

зоряна величина

Astronomy; General astronomy

The units used to describe brightness of astronomical objects. The smaller the numerical value, the brighter the object. The human eye can detect stars to 6th or 7th magnitude on a dark, clear night ...

світлове забруднення

Astronomy; General astronomy

The emission of stray light or glare from lighting fixtures in manners that counter the purpose of the light (which is to light what is below); also known as the waste of money and energy in the form ...

Юліанський рік

Astronomy; General astronomy

Exactly 365. 25 days, in which a century (100 years) is exactly 36525 days and in which 1900. 0 corresponds exactly to 1900 January 0. 5 (from the Julian-date system, which is half a day different ...


Astronomy; General astronomy

Посилаючись на сонце. Геліоцентрична орбіта є одним засновані на сонці, як один з двох вогнища (еліптичні) орбіти (або центр кругової орбіти); Геліоцентрична величини є яскравість об'єкта, як буде ...

Юліанський день

Astronomy; General astronomy

The interval of time in days (and fraction of a day) since Greenwich noon on Jan. 1, 4713 BC. The JD is always half a day off from Universal Time, because the current definition of JD was introduced ...


Astronomy; General astronomy

Either of the two points (vernal, autumnal) on the celestial sphere where the ecliptic (which is the apparent path of the sun on the sky) intersects the celestial equator. Due to precession, this ...

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