Invent a Term

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Define a term in arts, science, sports, politics, entertainment or anything else that interests you and have it forever stamped with you as the original creator.


General; Miscellaneous

This is when you have so much work that you decide to sleep instead. It is both the sleep part and the procrastination part, but ...


Hobbies; Crochet

It is an activity that people are doing more and more often. It comes from "window shopping" meaning that people go out just to ...


Language; Idioms

It is a prefix that precedes a noun meaning that it is a tiny, small, and cute thing. For example, kotycat, kotydog, and ...


Language; Language learning

In Zimbabwe this term is used to call someone or something or a situation stupid, lame, not so smart. usage "That was a ...


Culture; People

One who, like the black hole at the center of our galaxy, sucks in others' stories of personal success and allows not a single ...

Go bananas

Language; Slang

Go bananas means go crazy , it's a funny way to say it but that what's used in slang , ex.I am going to go bananas if I don't ...


Psychology; Feelings and states

The realigination is imagining what we want to reach until it becomes a reality. The concept is present in the psychology and ...


Zoology; Zoological terms

A dog species that is a mix between a rottweiler and a labrador retriever.

ally espionage

Politics; International politics

This term refers to the event on spying of the United States on its ally.


Sports; Multiple sports

This is the name given to runners on asphalt and other surfaces, traveling around the world to participate in races and ...


Language; Language learning

One who closed-mindedly insists on only knowing and communicating in one language (ie, English), despite inhabiting a ...


Aerospace; Space flight

北京,中华人民共和国首都、直辖市和国家中心城市,中国的政治、文化、科教和国际交往中心,中国经济、金融的决策和管理中心,中华人民共和国中央人民政府和全国人民代表大会所在地,也是世界上最大的城市。 ...

Human advancements demand new terms.

Languages evolve over time, changing and growing with society’s needs. No other time in human history has seen such profound and rapid language development.

As the world’s largest terminology wiki, is proud to provide a platform for you to introduce and share new terms that will shape the future of your field. In return, you will be forever credited for having coined your terms.

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