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General astronomy

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General astronomy

бесселевий рік

Astronomy; General astronomy

A quantity introduced by F. W. Bessel in the nineteenth century that has been used into the twentieth century. Bessel introduced a system whereby it would be convenient to identify any instant of ...

Небесна сфера

Astronomy; General astronomy

An imaginary sphere of arbitrarily large radius, concentric with the observer, allowing observers to plot positions of objects in the sky when their distances are unknown or unimportant.


Astronomy; General astronomy

The center of mass of a system of bodies, such as the solar system. When a comet, for example, is well outside the orbit of Neptune (the farthest major planet), it sees the sun and major planets ...


Astronomy; General astronomy

Кутова відстань вимірюється за годинниковою стрілкою навколо горизонту спостерігача в одиницях ступеня; Астрономи зазвичай приймають північ, щоб бути 0 градусів, Схід, щоб бути 90 градусів, південь ...


Astronomy; General astronomy

The careful, precise measurement of astronomical objects, usually made with respect to standard catalogues of star positions. For comet orbit computations, astrometry good to 1" or 2" (1 or 2 arc ...

отвір діафрагми об'єктива

Astronomy; General astronomy

The size of the primary optical surface of an astronomical instrument (telescope), usually given in inches, centimeters, or meters. In the case of a reflecting telescope, the aperture usually refers ...


Astronomy; General astronomy

Для об'єкта, що обертаються навколо Сонця точка (відстань і час) де/коли об'єкт є Віддалена сонце в еліптичною ...

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