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General astronomy
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General astronomy
Astronomy; General astronomy
The point where (and when) an object's orbit ''about the earth'' in which it is closest to the earth; only applicable to objects orbiting the earth (not to objects orbiting the sun --- a common ...
Astronomy; General astronomy
The point where (and when) an object orbiting the sun is closest to the sun.
Astronomy; General astronomy
Gravitational influences ("tugging" and "pulling") of one astronomical body on another. Comets are strongly perturbed by the gravitational forces of the major planets, particularly by the largest ...
Astronomy; General astronomy
Повільно, але відносно єдиною рух землі вісі, яка викликає зміни в координат систем, що використовуються для відображення неба. Земна вісь обертання не завжди вказує в одному напрямку, внаслідок ...
Astronomy; General astronomy
In astronomy, the measurement of the light emitting from astronomical objects, generally in the visible or infrared bands, in which a specific or general wavelength band is normally specified.
Astronomy; General astronomy
The apparent displacement or the difference in apparent direction of an object as seen from two different points not on a straight line with the object (as from two different observing sites on ...
Astronomy; General astronomy
The path of one object about another (used here for an object orbiting the sun).