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General astronomy
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General astronomy
Андромеда І
Astronomy; General astronomy
Dwarf spheroidal galaxy in the Andromeda subgroup of the Local Group. It is among the intrinsically faintest members of the Local Group.
Андромеда ІІ
Astronomy; General astronomy
Dwarf spheroidal galaxy in the Andromeda subgroup of the Local Group. It is among the intrinsically faintest members of the Local Group.
Андромеда ІІІ
Astronomy; General astronomy
Карликової сферичної галактики Андромеди підгрупою локальної групи. Це серед нерозривно найтьмяніші членів місцевій ...
Astronomy; General astronomy
Star with spectral type A in which the spectrum of the Balmer lines of hydrogen attain their greatest strength. Helium lines can no longer be seen. Some metallic lines are present; in late A stars ...
Astronomy; General astronomy
The change of a solid (such as ice) directly into a gaseous state (bypassing the liquid state). This happens in the vacuum of space with comets, as the heating effects of solar radiation cause ices ...