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Organic chemistry

Contributors in Organic chemistry

Organic chemistry


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

C 6 H 5 SO 3 H An organosulfur compound, strongly acidic, water soluble, nonvolatile, and hygroscopic; used in the manufacture of detergents and phenols.


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

Білки молока; білий твердий розчиняються у кислот.


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

Модифікований натуральний природний полімер.

адипінова кислота

Chemistry; Organic chemistry

HOOC(CH 2 ) 4 COOH A colorless crystalline dicarboxylic acid, sparingly soluble in water; used in nylon manufacture.


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

(C 6 H 5 ) 2 CHOH Colorless needles; melting point 69_C; slightly soluble in water, very soluble in ethanol and ether; used in preparation of other organic compounds including antihistamines.


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

Одна група з трьох isomeric дігідроксі benzenes, в якому дві групи гідроксильну є орто один до одного. Також відомий як катехін; pyrocatechol; pyrocatechuic ...


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

(C 3 H 6 )x A crystalline, thermoplastic resin made by the polymerization of propylene, C 3 H 6 ; the product is hard and tough, resists moisture, oils, and solvents, and withstands temperatures up ...

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