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Organic chemistry
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Organic chemistry
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
(C 6 H 5 CHCH 2 )x A water-white, tough synthetic resin made by polymerization of styrene; soluble in aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents; used for injection molding, extrusion or casting ...
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
C 17 H 35 COOM A salt or ester of stearic acid where M is a monovalent radical, for example, sodium stearate, C 17 H 35 COONa.
нелінійна молекула
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
Розгалуженим ланцюг молекули, тобто один яких атоми робити не всі лежать вздовж прямої лінії. Також відомий як ...
стеаринова кислота
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
CH 3 (CH 2 ) 16 COOH Nature’s most common fatty acid, derived from natural animal and vegetable fats; colorless, waxlike solid, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, ether, and chloroform; melts at ...
бензольне кільце
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
The six-carbon ring structure found in benzene, C 6 H 6 , and in organic compounds formed from benzene by replacement of one or more hydrogen atoms by other chemical atoms or radicals.
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
(CH 3 ) 2 CHC 6 H 3 (CH 3 )OH A colorless liquid, boiling at 237_C; used in perfumes, flavorings, and fungicides.
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
Сполуки утворена з етанолу замінивши водню гідрокси Група моновалентной металами. Також відомий як ethylate.