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Organic chemistry
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Organic chemistry
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
C 6 H 14 Water-insoluble, toxic, flammable, colorless liquid with faint aroma; forms include: n-hexane, a straight-chain compound boiling at 68.7_C and used as a solvent, paint diluent, alcohol ...
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Chemistry; Organic chemistry
Mn(C 18 H 33 O 2 ) 2 Granular brown mass, soluble in oleic acid and ether, insoluble in water; used in medicine and as a varnish drier.
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
C 6 H 4 (C 3 H 5 )(OCH 3 ) A colorless liquid with the odor of anise, found in basil oil, estragon oil, and anise bark oil; used in perfumes and flavorings.
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Chemistry; Organic chemistry
MnC 2 O 4 _2H 2 O A white crystalline compound, soluble in dilute acids, only slightly soluble in water; used as a paint and varnish drier.
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
Смолянистих матеріалу, зроблених полімеризації інші, такі як поліетилен з етилен, поліпропіленові з пропилен або polybutene від ...
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Chemistry; Organic chemistry
CH 3 CH_CHCH_CHCOOH A white, crystalline compound; soluble in most organic solvents, slightly soluble in water; melts at 135_C; used as a fungicide and food preservative, and in the manufacture of ...
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