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Inorganic chemistry
Industry: Chemistry
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Inorganic chemistry
карбонат амонію
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
1. (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 The normal ammonium salt of carbonic acid, prepared by passing gaseous carbon dioxide into an aqueous solution of ammonia and allowing the vapors (ammonia, carbon dioxide, water) ...
гідроокис заліза
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
Fe(OH) 3 A brown powder, insoluble in water; used as arsenic poisoning antidote, in pigments, and in pharmaceutical preparations. Also known as ferric hydrate; iron hydroxide.
триполіфосфат натрію
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
Na 5 P 3 O 10 A white powder with a melting point of 622_C; used for water softening and as a food additive and texturizer. Abbreviated STPP.
хлористий амоній
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
NH 4 Cl A white crystalline salt that occurs naturally as a sublimation product of volcanic action or is manufactured; used as an electrolyte in dry cells, as a flux for soldering, tinning, and ...
нітрат заліза
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
Fe(NO 3 ) 3 _9H 2 O Colorless crystals, soluble in water and decomposed by heat; used as a dyeing mordant, in tanning, and in analytical chemistry. Also known as iron nitrate.
хлорид паладію
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
PdCl 2 or PdCl 2 _2H 2 O Dark-brown, deliquescent powder that decomposes at 501_C; soluble in water, alcohol, acetone, and hydrochloric acid; used in medicine, analytical chemisty, photographic ...
натрію вольфрамат
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
Na 2 WO 4 _2H 2 O Water-soluble, colorless crystals; lose water at 100_C, melts at 692_C; used as a chemical intermediate analytical reagent, and for fireproofing. Also known as sodium wolframate.