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Inorganic chemistry
Industry: Chemistry
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Inorganic chemistry
амонію фторосилікат
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
(NH 4 ) 2 SiF 6 A toxic, white, crystalline powder; soluble in alcohol and water; used for mothproofing, glass etching, and electroplating. Also known as ammonium silicofluoride.
гідроксид амонію
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
NH 4 OH A hydrate of ammonia, crystalline below _79_C; it is a weak base known only in solution as ammonia water. Also known as aqua ammonia.
амонію йодид
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
NH 4 I A salt prepared from ammonia and hydrogen iodide or iodine; it forms colorless, regular crystals which sublime when heated; used in photography and for pharmaceutical preparations.
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
An unstable compound of a strong base and ferric oxide which exists in alkaline solution, such as NaFeO 2 .
молібдат амонію
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
(NH 4 ) 2 MoO 4 White, crystalline salt used as an analytic reagent, as a precipitant of phosphoric acid, and in pigments.
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
A compound that is binary and has five atoms of oxygen; for example, phosphorus pentoxide, P 2 O 5 .