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Inorganic chemistry
Industry: Chemistry
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Inorganic chemistry
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Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
Гумової суміші водню і кисню, що містять висока частка водню ізотопу ніж ніж робить природні води. Також відомий як ніж ...
сірчиста кислота
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
H 2 SO 3 An unstable, water-soluble, colorless liquid with a strong sulfur aroma; derived from absorption of sulfur dioxide in water; used in the synthesis of medicine and chemicals, manufacture of ...
оксид сірки
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
An oxide of sulfur, such as sulfur dioxide, SO 2 , and sulfur trioxide, SO 3 .
платини хлорид
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
PtCl 4 or PtCl 4 _5H 2 O A brown solid or red crystals; soluble in alcohol and water; decomposes when heated (loses 4H 2 O at 100_C); used as an analytical reagent.
триоксид сірки
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
SO 3 A toxic, irritating liquid in three forms, _, _, _, with respective melting points of 62_C, 33_C, and 17_C; a strong oxidizing agent and fire hazard; used for sulfonation of organic chemicals.
арсонова кислота
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
An acid derived from orthoarsenic acid, OAs(OH) 3 ; the type formula is generally considered to be RAsO(OH) 2 ; an example is para-aminobenzenearsonic acid, NH 2 C 6 H 4 AsO(OH) 2 .
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
SO 2 Cl 2 A colorless liquid with a pungent aroma, boils at 69_C, decomposed by hot water and alkalies; used as a chlorinating agent and solvent and for pharmaceuticals, dyestuffs, rayon, and poison ...