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Organic chemistry

Contributors in Organic chemistry

Organic chemistry

метил циклопентан

Chemistry; Organic chemistry

C 5 H 9 CH 3 Flammable, colorless liquid boiling at 72_C; used as a chemical intermediate.

тетрадецил меркаптан

Chemistry; Organic chemistry

CH 3 (CH 2 ) 13 SH A combustible liquid with a boiling point of 176–180_C; used for processing synthetic rubber. Also known as myristyl mercaptan.


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

CH 2 OHCH 2 OCH 2 CH 2 OH Clear, hygroscopic, water-soluble liquid, boiling at 245_C; soluble in many organic solvents; used as a softener, conditioner, lubricant, and solvent, and in antifreezes and ...

резинат заліза

Chemistry; Organic chemistry

Червонувато коричневий, води та нерозчинний порошку; використовується як на осушувач для лакофарбових матеріалів. Також відомий як resinate ...


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

CH 3 SiHCl 2 A colorless liquid with a melting point of_91_C (_130_F) and boiling point of 41_C (106_F). Also known as dichloromethylsilane.

стеарат заліза

Chemistry; Organic chemistry

Fe(C 18 H 35 O 2 ) 3 A light-brown, water-insoluble powder; used as a varnish drier. Also known as iron stearate.


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

(CH 3 ) 2 CHCH 3 A colorless, stable gas, noncorrosive to metals, nonreactive with water; boils at_11.7_C; used as a chemical intermediate, refrigerant, and fuel.

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