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Organic chemistry
Industry: Chemistry
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Organic chemistry
стронцію ацетат
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
Sr(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 2 _ 1 / 2 H 2 O White, water-soluble crystals, loses water at 150_C; used for catalysts, as a chemical intermediate, and in medicine.
етиловий ціанід
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
C 2 H 5 CN A colorless liquid that boils at 97.1_C; poisonous.
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
Металоорганічних координації з'єднання, яке виходить як cyclopentadienyl похідна перехідний метал або металеві галогенні. ...
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
CnH 2 n A family of unsaturated, chemically active hydrocarbons with one carbon-carbon double bond; includes ethylene and propylene.
калію гліцерофосфат
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
K 2 C 3 H 5 O 2 _H 2 PO 4 _3H 2 O Pale yellow, syrupy liquid, soluble in alcohol; used in medicine and as a dietary supplement. Also known as potassium glycerinophosphate.
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
C 12 H 22 O 11 Combustible, white crystals soluble in water, decomposes at 160 to 186_C; derived from sugarcane or sugarbeet; used as a sweetener in drinks and foods and to make syrups, preserves, ...
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
Formation of a new compound by introducing the ethyl functional group (C 2 H 5 ).