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Organic chemistry
Industry: Chemistry
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Organic chemistry
ртуті саліцилат
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
Hg(C 7 H 5 O 3 ) 2 Poisonous, white powder; odorless and tasteless; almost insoluble in water and alcohol; variable composition; used in medicine. Also known as salicylated mercury.
діетиламіноетил целюлози
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
Позитивно заряджені смоли використовується в ionexchange хроматографія; Аніонові обменник. Також відомий як DEAE-целюлози. ...
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
HO(C 2 H 4 O) 3 C 2 H 4 OH A combustible, hygroscopic, colorless, water-soluble liquid, boils at 327_C; used as a nitrocellulose solvent and plasticizer and in lacquers and coatings. Abbreviated TEG.
моностеарат алюмінію
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
Al(OH) 2 (OOC(CH 2 ) 16 CH 3 ) A white to yellowishwhite powder with a melting point of 155_C; used in the manufacture of medicine, paint, and ink, in waterproofing, and as a plastics stabilizer.
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
CHClF 2 A colorless gas with a boiling point of _40.8_C and freezing point of _160_C; used as an aerosol propellant and refrigerant.
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
NH 2 C(NH)(NHCN) White crystals with a melting range of 207–209_C; soluble in water and alcohol; used in fertilizers, explosives, oil well drilling muds, pharmaceuticals, and dyestuffs. Also known as ...
пеларгонова кислота
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
CH 3 (CH 2 ) 7 CO 2 H A colorless or yellowish oil, boiling at 254_C; soluble in ether and alcohol, insoluble in water; used as a chemical intermediate and flotation agent, in lacquers, ...
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