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Inorganic chemistry
Industry: Chemistry
Додати новий термінContributors in Inorganic chemistry
Inorganic chemistry
сульфід кадмію
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
Компакт-диски А складені з двох форм: оранжевий, нерозчинний у водi, використовується в якості пігменту а також помаранчевий кадмій; світло-жовтий, гексагональних кристалах, нерозчинний у воді а ...
гексафторид урану
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
UF 6 Highly toxic, radioactive, corrosive, colorless crystals; soluble in carbon tetrachloride, fluorocarbons, and liquid halogens; it reacts vigorously with alcohol, water, ether, and most metals, ...
вольфрамат кадмію
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
CdWO 4 White or yellow crystals or powder; soluble in ammonium hydroxide and alkali cyanides; used in fluorescent paint, x-ray screens, and scintillation counters.
кальцію арсенат
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
Ca 3 (AsO 4 ) 2 An arsenic compound used as an insecticide to control cotton pests.
тетрахлорид урану
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
UCl 4 Poisonous, radioactive, hygroscopic, darkgreen crystals; soluble in alcohol and water; melts at 590_C, boils at 792_C. Also known as uranic chloride.
кальцію арсеніт
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
Ca 3 (AsO 3 ) 2 White granules that are soluble in water; used as an insecticide.
тетрафторид урану
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
UF 4 Toxic, radioactive, corrosive green crystals; insoluble in water; melts at 1036_C; used in the manufacture of uranium metal. Also known as green salt.