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Inorganic chemistry

Contributors in Inorganic chemistry

Inorganic chemistry

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Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

TiO 2 A white, water-insoluble powder that melts at 1560_C, and which is produced commercially from the titanium dioxide minerals ilmenite and rutile; used in paints and cosmetics. Also known as ...


Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

A compound that has the HSO 4 _ radical; derived from sulfuric acid.

гідрид титану

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

TiH 2 A black metallic powder whose dust is an explosion hazard and which dissociates above 288_C; used in powder metallurgy, hydrogen production, foamed metals, glass solder, and refractories, and ...

пірофосфат калію

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

K 4 P 2 O 7 _3H 2 O Water-soluble, colorless crystals; dehydrates below 300_C, melts at 1090_C; used in tin plating, china-clay purification, dyeing, oil-drilling muds, and synthetic rubber ...

нітрид титану

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

Олово золотисто коричневий ламкими кристалів плавлення в 2927_C; використовується в вогнетривів, сплавів cermets та напівпровідників. ...

силікат калію

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

SiO 2 _K 2 O A compound existing in two forms, solution and solid (glass); as a solution, it is colorless to turgid in water, and is used in paints and coatings, as an arc-electrode binder and ...

сульфат титану

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

Ti(SO 4 ) 2 _9H 2 O Caked solid, soluble in water, toxic, highly acidic; used as a dye stripper, reducing agent, laundry chemical, and in treatment of chrome yellow colors. Also known as titanic ...

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