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basics of economics
Industry: Economy
Додати новий термінContributors in Economics
Міжнародна організація праці (МОП)
Economy; Economics
Founded in 1919 as part of the Treaty of Versailles, which created the League of Nations. In 1946, it became the first specialized agency of the UN. Based in Geneva, it formulates international labor ...
Ернандо Де Сото
Economy; Economics
A Peruvian economist who advocates establishing formal property rights for the poor to help them rapidly escape from poverty. In books such as The Other Path and The Mystery of Capital, he argued ...
Фрідріх фон Гаєк
Economy; Economics
An influential economist of the Austrian school, who won the Nobel Prize for economics in 1974 for his theory of the business cycle many years after this body of work seemed to have been disproved by ...
вільна торгівля
Economy; Economics
Здатність особи зобов'язуються зовнішньоекономічні трансакції з людьми в інших країнах, вільні від будь-яких обмежень, накладені урядами або інших регуляторів. Вимірюється за обсягами імпорту та ...
фінансова система
Economy; Economics
The firms and institutions that together make it possible for money to make the world go round. This includes financial markets, securities exchanges, banks, pension funds, mutual funds, insurers, ...
фінансовий центр
Economy; Economics
A place in which an above-average amount of financial business takes place. The big ones are New York, London, Tokyo and Frankfurt. Small ones such as Dublin, Bermuda, Luxembourg and the Cayman ...