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basics of economics

Contributors in Economics


ринкові сили

Economy; Economics

Shorthand for the pressures from buyers and sellers in a market, rather than those coming from a government planner or from regulation.


Economy; Economics

Роблячи речі, як автомобілі або заморожених продуктів скоротилася у важливості в найрозвиненіших країнах протягом останніх півтора століття як послуги виросли. В США і Великобританії частка працівникі ...

предмети розкоші

Economy; Economics

Товари та послуги, які мають високу еластичність попиту. Коли ціни на, скажімо, Карибський Святкові піднімається, кількість канікули зажадав різко погіршилися. Аналогічним чином, попит на Кариби ...

право і економіка

Economy; Economics

Laws can be an important source of economic efficiency – or inefficiency. Early economists such as Adam Smith often wrote about the economic impact of legal matters. But economics subsequently ...

Йозеф Шумпетер

Economy; Economics

After growing up in the Austro-Hungarian empire, in which he worked as an itinerant lawyer, Joseph Schumpeter (1883–1950) became an academic in 1909. He was appointed Austrian minister of finance in ...

Джон Мейнард Кейнс

Economy; Economics

A much quoted, great British economist, not famous for holding the same opinion for long. Born in 1883, he studied at Cambridge but came to reject much of the classical economics and Neo-classical ...

Джеймс Тобін

Economy; Economics

A Nobel prize-winning economist, James Tobin (1918-2002) theorized that firms would continue to invest as long as the value of their shares exceeded the replacement cost of their assets. The ratio of ...

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