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Life insurance
Industry: Insurance
Додати новий термінContributors in Life insurance
Life insurance
Insurance; Life insurance
Management of the pure risks to which a company might be subject. It involves analyzing all exposures to the possibility of loss and determining how to handle these exposures through practices such ...
вторинний ринок
Insurance; Life insurance
Вторинний ринок населений покупці готові платити, те, що вони визначають бути справедливої ринкової ...
розділ 7702
Insurance; Life insurance
Part of the Internal Revenue Code that defines the conditions a life policy must satisfy to qualify as a life insurance contract, which has tax advantages.
окремий рахунок
Insurance; Life insurance
Окремий рахунок є інвестиції варіантом, який окремо від загального рахунок страховика. Інвестиційний ризик, пов'язаний з окремий рахунок інвестицій народжується власник ...
Insurance; Life insurance
Having sufficient assets--capital, surplus, reserves--and being able to satisfy financial requirements--investments, annual reports, examinations--to be eligible to transact insurance business and ...
Insurance; Life insurance
The right of an insurer who has taken over another's loss also to take over the other person's right to pursue remedies against a third party.