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Planetary science
The scientific study of planets including Earth, moons, and planetary systems of the Solar System in particular and the processes that form them.
Industry: Astronomy
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Planetary science
Astronomy; Planetary science
Material thrown out from and deposited around an impact crater.
червоний залізняк
Astronomy; Planetary science
An iron-oxide mineral (Fe 2 O 3 ) that may be the cause of the red color on Mars. Courser-grained gray hematite has the same chemical formula as the red variety, but a different crystalline ...
Astronomy; Planetary science
A deviation from the common rule, type, or form; something abnormal or inconsistent.
Astronomy; Planetary science
The growth of planets from smaller objects by impact, one impact at a time. After formation, planets are said to have "accreted" from small objects.
Astronomy; Planetary science
Scientist who studies Earth, its structure, its materials, the physical and chemical processes and changes that occur on the surface and in the interior, and the history of the planet and its life ...
небесна сфера
Astronomy; Planetary science
Це уявна сфера зосереджено на землі, або довільним великим радіусом d ' на поверхні якої зірки вважаються бути виправлені. ...
Astronomy; Planetary science
A star in the process of formation which has not yet become hot enough in the core to initiate the process of nuclear fusion (10 7 K) to halt its gravitational collapse.