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Organic chemistry
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Organic chemistry
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
C 6 H 12 O 3 Acetaldehyde polymer; colorless, flammable, toxic liquid, miscible with most organic solvents, soluble in water; melts at 12.6_C, boils at 124.5_C; used as a chemical intermediate, in ...
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
Полімер, який містить три окремі мономери; Наприклад, акрилонітрил бутадієн стирол terpolymer, ABS.
Альфа позиція
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
In chemical nomenclature, the position of a substituting group of atoms in the main group of a molecule; for example, in a straight-chain compound such as _-hydroxypropionic acid (CH 3 CHOHCOOH), the ...
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
NH 2 CONHCONH 2 Colorless needles that are soluble in hot water and decompose at 190_C; a condensation product of urea.
третинний спирт
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
Trisubstituted алкоголю, в якому гідроксильна група кріпиться до вуглецю, що вступили до трьох вугілля; Наприклад, Метилтретинний бутиловий ...
бромистий метил
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
CH 3 Br A toxic, colorless gas that forms a crystalline hydrate with cold water; used in synthesis of organic compounds, and as a fumigant.
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
Cl 3 CC(CH 3 ) 2 OH Colorless to white crystals with a melting point of 78_C; soluble in alcohol, glycerol, ether, and chloroform; used as a plasticizer and a preservative for biological solutions.
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