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Organic chemistry
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Organic chemistry
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Chemistry; Organic chemistry
C 3 H 5 O(COOC 4 H 9 ) 3 A colorless, odorless, nonvolatile liquid, almost insoluble in water; used as a plasticizer, solvent for cellulose nitrate, and antifoam agent.
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
A functional group with the formula CH 3 SO 2 _. Also known as mesyl.
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Chemistry; Organic chemistry
C 11 H 17 O 2 N 2 NaS Yellow, water-soluble crystals with a characteristic aroma; used in medicine as a short-acting anesthetic. Also known as thiopentone sodium.
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
C 6 H 4 (COOCH 3 ) 2 Odorless, colorless liquid, boiling at 282_C; soluble in organic solvents, slightly soluble in water; used as a plasticizer, in resins, lacquers, and perfumes, and as an insect ...
аніонна полімеризація
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
A type of polymerization in which Lewis bases, such as alkali metals and metallic alkyls, act as catalysts.
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
Any of three isomeric alkene hydrocarbons with the formula C 4 H 8 ; all are flammable and easily liquefied gases.