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Organic chemistry
Industry: Chemistry
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Organic chemistry
олеат міді
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
Cu(OOC(CH 2 ) 7 CH_CH(CH 2 ) 7 CH 3 ) 2 A green-blue liquid, used as a fungicide for fruits and vegetables.
тіогліколева кислота
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
HSCH 2 COOH A liquid with a strong unpleasant odor; used as a reagent for metals such as iron, molybdenum, silver, and tin, and in bacteriology. Also known as mercaptoacetic acid.
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
C 6 H 5 C 4 H 9 A colorless liquid used as a raw material for organic synthesis, especially for insecticides; forms are normal (1-phenylbutane), secondary (2-phenylbutane), and tertiary ...
резинат міді
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
Отруйні зелений порошок, розчинні в олії та ефіру, нерозчинний у водi; зроблені топковий мазут каніфолі з Купорос мідний, а потім фільтрації та сушіння результуючий твердого тіла; використовується як ...
диметиловий ефір
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
CH 3 OCH 3 A flammable, colorless liquid, boiling at _25_C; soluble in water and alcohol; used as a solvent, extractant, reaction medium, and refrigerant. Also known as methyl ether; wood ether.
ітаконова кислота
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
CH 2 :C(COOH)CH 2 COOH A colorless crystalline compound that decomposes at 165_C, prepared by fermentation with Aspergillus terreus; used as an intermediate in organic synthesis and in resins and ...
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
A compound that has the C 6 H 5 NH 2 _group; an example is benzanilide, C 6 H 5 NHCOC 6 H 5 .