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Organic chemistry
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Organic chemistry
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
C 9 H 6 Cl 6 O 3 S A tan solid that melts between _10 and 100_C; used as an insecticide and miticide on vegetable and forage crops, on ornamental flowers, and in controlling termites and tsetse ...
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Chemistry; Organic chemistry
LiC 18 H 35 O 2 A white, crystalline compound with a melting point of 220_C; used in cosmetics, plastics, and greases, and as a corrosion inhibitor in petroleum.
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
Хімічні префікс, що означає, що багато хто; Наприклад, полімер зроблені з ряду однієї молекули відомим як мономерів, як поліетилен виготовлена з етиленвінілацета. ...
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Chemistry; Organic chemistry
Na 2 U 2 O 7 _6H 2 O A yellow-orange solid, soluble in dilute acids; used for colored glazes on ceramics and in the manufacture of fluorescent uranium glass. Also known as uranium yellow.
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
C 2 H 2 A colorless, highly flammable gas that is explosive when compressed; the simplest compound containing a triple bond; used in organic synthesis and as a welding fuel. Also known as ethyne.
капрінова кислота
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
CH 3 (CH 2 ) 8 COOH A fatty acid found in oils and animal fats.
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
C 6 H 10 O An oily liquid with an odor suggesting peppermint and acetone; soluble in alcohol, ether, and other organic solvents; used as an industrial solvent, in the production of adipic acid, and ...
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