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Organic chemistry

Contributors in Organic chemistry

Organic chemistry


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

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Chemistry; Organic chemistry

KC 2 H 3 O 2 White, deliquescent solid; soluble in water and alcohol, insoluble in ether; melts at 292_C; used as analytical reagent, dehydrating agent, in medicine, and in crystal glass ...

етилену ціангідрин

Chemistry; Organic chemistry

C 3 H 5 ON A colorless liquid that is miscible with water and boils at 221_C.


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

Будь-які органічні кислоти, з OH_ групи, такі як hydroxyacetic кислоти.

метакриловий полімер

Chemistry; Organic chemistry

A polymer whose monomer is a methacrylic ester with the general formula H 2 C_C(CH 3 )COOR.

первинний спирт

Chemistry; Organic chemistry

An alcohol whose molecular structure may be written as RCH 2 OH, rather than as R 1 R 2 CHOH (secondary) or R 1 R 2 R 3 COH (tertiary).


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

C 11 H 17 NO 3 The alkaloid 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine, found in mescal buttons; produces unusual psychic effects and visual hallucinations.

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