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Organic chemistry

Contributors in Organic chemistry

Organic chemistry

каприловий ангідрид

Chemistry; Organic chemistry

(CH 3 (CH 2 ) 6 CO) 2 O A white solid that melts at _1_C; used as a chemical intermediate.


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

A prefix used in naming compounds to indicate the presence of a bridge or intramolecular connection.

нікелю форміат

Chemistry; Organic chemistry

Ni(HCOO) 2 _2H 2 O Water-soluble green crystals; used in hydrogenation catalysts.

магнію форміат

Chemistry; Organic chemistry

Mg(CHO 2 ) 2 _2H 2 O Colorless, water-soluble crystals; insoluble in alcohol and ether; used in analytical chemistry and medicine.

поліхлорований біфеніл

Chemistry; Organic chemistry

Any member of the group of chlorinated isomers of biphenyl. Abbreviated PCB.


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

C 7 H 15 OH An alcohol; a fragrant, colorless liquid boiling at 174°C; soluble in water, ether, or alcohol; used as a chemical intermediate, as a solvent, and in cosmetics. Also known as heptyl ...


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

A molecule that contains two or more closed atomic rings; can be aromatic (such as DDT), aliphatic (bianthryl), or mixed (dicarbazyl).

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