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Living room furniture
Living room sets, sofas, chairs, coffee tables, cabinets, TV Stands, bookcases, etc.
Industry: Home furnishings
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Living room furniture
"нове життя" відходів
Apparel; Coats & jackets
Процес перетворення відходів або відкидаються продуктів у нові продукти з більш високою якістю і нового використання. Переробку небажаних матеріалів в нових і вдосконаленням існуючих продуктів. Часто ...
Home furnishings; Living room furniture
A piece of furniture made for a person to comfortably sit on. Usually consists of a seat, legs, back and arms. Some types of chairs (such as some dining chairs) do not have arms.
Home furnishings; Living room furniture
A sofa with head and foot and/or back pieces, having a twin sized mattress which doubles as a sitting and sleeping surface. Daybeds often have decorative removable covers and matching pillows or ...

крісло-барило (з напівкруглою спинкою, що становить єдине ціле з поруччям)
Home furnishings; Living room furniture
Chairs with half circle back usually upholstered in vertical ribs which were originally made from half wine barrels.

журнальний столик
Home furnishings; Living room furniture
A low, rectangular or square table often placed in front of sofas to serve coffee, tea or cocktails.

вишуканий письмовий столик
Home furnishings; Living room furniture
A small writing desk usually with drawers and an angled top.

Home furnishings; Bedroom furniture
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