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Inorganic chemistry
Industry: Chemistry
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Inorganic chemistry
ціанід ртуті
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
Hg(CN) 2 Poisonous, colorless, transparent crystals that darken in light, decompose when heated; soluble in water and alcohol; used in photography, medicine, and germicidal soaps. Also known as ...
карбонат натрію
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
Na 2 CO 3 A white, water-soluble powder that decomposes when heated to about 852_C; used as a reagent; forms a monohydrate compound, Na 2 CO 3 _H 2 O, and a decahydrate compound, Na 2 CO 3 _10H 2 ...
двоокис вуглецю
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
CO 2 A colorless, odorless, tasteless gas about 1.5 times as dense as air.
фторид магнію
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
MgF 2 White, fluorescent crystals; insoluble in water and alcohol, soluble in nitric acid; melts at 1263_C; used in ceramics and glass. Also known as magnesium flux.
тетрафторид кремнію
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
SiF 4 A colorless, suffocating gas absorbed readily by water, in which it decomposes; boiling point,_86_C; used in chemical analysis and to make fluosilicic acid. Also known as silicon fluoride.
оксид кобальту
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
Воркувати сіруватий коричневий порошок, який розкладається в 1935_C, нерозчинний у водi; використовується як фарбувальної речовини, кераміки та виробництво ...
фторид ртуті
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
HgF 2 Poisonous, transparent crystals that decompose when heated; moderately soluble in alcohol and water; used to synthesize organic fluorides.