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Inorganic chemistry

Contributors in Inorganic chemistry

Inorganic chemistry

ванадію тетрахлорид

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

VCl 4 A toxic, red liquid; soluble in ether and absolute alcohol; boils at 154_C; used in medicine and to manufacture vanadium and organovanadium compounds.

йодистий кальцій

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

CaI 2 A yellow, hygroscopic powder that is very soluble in water; used in photography.

нітрат літію

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

LiNO 3 Water- and alcohol-soluble colorless powder melting at 261_C; used as a heat-exchange medium and in ceramics, pyrotechnics, salt baths, and refrigeration systems.

ванадію тетраоксид

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

V 2 O 4 A toxic blue-black powder; insoluble in water, soluble in alkalies and acids; melts at 1967_C; used as a catalyst.

нітрат кальцію

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

Ca(NO 3 ) 2 _4H 2 O Colorless, monoclinic crystals that are soluble in water; the anhydrous salt is very deliquescent; used as a fertilizer and in explosives. Also known as nitrocalcite.

перхлорат літію

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

LiClO 4 _3H 2 O A compound with high oxygen content (60% available oxygen), used as a source of oxygen in rockets and missiles.

селену нітрид

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

Se 2 N 2 A water-insoluble, yellow solid that explodes at 200_C.

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