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Inorganic chemistry

Contributors in Inorganic chemistry

Inorganic chemistry

діоксид хрому

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

Cr 2 O 2 Black, acicular crystals; a semiconducting material with strong magnetic properties used in recording tapes.

марганцю сульфіт

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

MnSO 3 Grayish-black or brownish-red powder, soluble in sulfur dioxide, insoluble in water.

натрію вісмутат

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

NaBiO 3 A yellow to brown amorphous powder; used as an analytical reagent and in pharmaceuticals.

хлористий алюміній

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

AlCl 3 or Al 2 Cl 6 A deliquescent compound in the form of white to colorless hexagonal crystals; fumes in air and reacts explosively with water; used as a catalyst.

нікелю ціанід

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

Ni(CN) 2 _4H 2 O Poisonous, water-insoluble apple-green powder; melts and loses water at 200_C, decomposes at higher temperatures; used for electroplating and metallurgy.

окис хрому

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

Сполуки хрому і кисню; хрому може бути в стані окислення _ 2, _3 або _6.

натрію бісульфат

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

NaHSO 4 Colorless crystals, soluble in water; the aqueous solution is strongly acidic; decomposes at 315_C; used for flux to decompose minerals, as a disinfectant, and in dyeing and manufacture of ...

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