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Inorganic chemistry

Contributors in Inorganic chemistry

Inorganic chemistry

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Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

Ni 3 (PO 4 ) 2 _7H 2 O A light-green powder; soluble in acids and ammonium hydroxide, insoluble in water; used for electroplating and production of yellow nickel.

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Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

NaMnO 4 _3H 2 O A fire-hazardous, water-soluble, purple powder; decomposes when heated; used to make saccharin, as a disinfectant, and as an oxidizing agent.

кобальту хлорид

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

CoCl 2 or CoCl 2 _6H 2 O A compound whose anhydrous form consists of blue crystals and sublimes when heated, and whose hydrated form consists of red crystals and melts at 86.8_C; both forms are used ...

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Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

NaBrO 3 Odorless, white crystals; soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol; decomposes at 381_C; a fire hazard, used as an analytical reagent.

алюмінію ортофосфат

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

AlPO 4 White crystals, melting above 1500_C; insoluble in water, soluble in acids and bases; useful in ceramics, paints, pulp, and paper. Also known as aluminum phosphate.

хлорид ртуті

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

HgCl 2 An extremely toxic compound that forms white, rhombic crystals which sublime at 300_C and are soluble in alcohol or benzene; used for the manufacture of other mercuric compounds, as a ...

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Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

NaBr білий, водорозчинні, кристалів з гіркий смак солона; вбирає вологу з повітря; плавиться при 758_C; використовується в фотографії та медицини, як хімічна проміжних і зробити ...

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