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Inorganic chemistry

Contributors in Inorganic chemistry

Inorganic chemistry


Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

Науки, яка стосується вивчення природних неорганічні речовини називаються мінералів.

діоксид хлору

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

ClO 2 A green gas used to bleach cellulose and to treat water.

двоокис марганцю

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

MnO 2 A black, crystalline, water-insoluble compound, decomposing to manganese sesquioxide, Mn 2 O 3 , and oxygen when heated to 535_C; used as a depolarizer in certain dry-cell batteries, as a ...

сульфат срібла

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

Ag 2 SO 4 Light-sensitive, colorless, lustrous crystals; soluble in alkalies and acids, insoluble in alcohol; melts at 652_C; used as an analytical reagent. Also known as normal silver sulfate.

гідроксид цирконію

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

Zr(OH) 4 A toxic, amorphous white powder; insoluble in water, soluble in dilute mineral acids; decomposes at 550_C; used in pigments, glass, and dyes, and to make zirconium compounds.

перхлорат амонію

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

NH 4 ClO 4 A salt that forms colorless or white rhombic and regular crystals, which are soluble in water; it decomposes at 150_C, and the reaction is explosive at higher temperatures.

персульфат амонію

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

(NH 4 ) 2 S 2 O 8 White crystals which decompose on melting; soluble in water; used as an oxidizing agent and bleaching agent, and in etching, electroplating, food preservation, and aniline dyes.

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