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The science encompassing the medical study of the blood and blood-producing organs.

Contributors in Hematology



Health care; Hematology

Коричневий або фіолетовий аморфної заліза речовина, яка об'єднує з globin і утворює гемоглобіну.


Health care; Hematology

The packed cell volume (PVC) of red blood cells obtained by globin and forms hemoglobin.


Health care; Hematology

The branch of medicine that deals with the study of blood cells, blood producing organs and the manner in which these cells and organs are affected in disease.


Health care; Hematology

Subcutaneous effusion of blood with resulting swelling, pain, and discoloration, forming a tumorlike mass.


Health care; Hematology

The coloring matter of the red blood cells. A complex iron-bearing pigment that carries oxygen and carbon dioxide.


Health care; Hematology

The presence of free hemoglobin in the urine.

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