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General military
General military terms.
Industry: Military
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General military
тактична авіаційна підтримка
Military; General military
Air operations carried out in coordination with surface forces and which directly assist land or maritime operations.
безпосередня авіаційна підтримка
Military; General military
Air action by fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft against hostile targets that are in close proximity to friendly forces and that require detailed integration of each air mission with the fire and ...
придбання та крос-договір про обслуговування
Military; General military
Agreements negotiated on a bilateral basis with US allies or coalition partners that allow US forces to exchange most common types of support, including food, fuel, transportation, ammunition, and ...
загальні агенти купівлі
Military; General military
Agents who have been appointed in the principal overseas areas to supervise, control, coordinate, negotiate, and develop the local procurement of supplies, services, and facilities by Armed Forces of ...
подвійний агент
Military; General military
Agent in contact with two opposing intelligence services, only one of which is aware of the double contact or quasi-intelligence services.
аркуш мапи
Military; General military
Індивідуальні карту або діаграму або завершити в собі, або частиною серії.
аналіз мобільності
Military; General military
Поглиблене розгляд всіх аспектів планування на підтримку операції план і експлуатації замовити розробку перевезення. ...