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Christianity is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, whom adherents believe to be the son of God. According to Christianity Jesus Christ is the savior of humanity phophesied in the Old Testament.
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Religion; Christianity
(Latin passio, "suffering"). The crucifixion of Jesus and the events leading up to it.
Religion; Christianity
The doctrine, named for Nestorius (d. C. 451), Patriarch of Constantinople, that there were two separate persons in the incarnate Christ, one divine and the other human. Nestorius preached against ...
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Religion; Christianity
A name for the city of Constantinople, which may have been coined by Constantine himself. The Council of Constantinople (381) declared that "the Bishop of Constantinople is to have honorary ...
Religion; Christianity
(Lat. Pater, "father") Branch of Christian theology and history concerned with the church "fathers" (patres), usually understood to refer to the period from the later first century to the mid-fifth ...
Religion; Christianity
Переконання системи, атаковані Августин і оголошений єресь, який заперечує первородний гріх і стверджує здатність людини вибирати добро за зло з тільки зовнішньої допомоги від ...
Religion; Christianity
Гілку християнства, поширених в Греції, Росії і Східної Європи. Бере свій початок як окремий орган при Східної (православний) церква відокремилася від західних (католицької) церкви в 1054 р. ...
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Religion; Christianity
Christ depicted as "Ruler of the Universe," a common image in Orthodox iconography.