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Christianity is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, whom adherents believe to be the son of God. According to Christianity Jesus Christ is the savior of humanity phophesied in the Old Testament.

Contributors in Christianity


відлучення від церкви

Religion; Christianity

Покарання за католицька церква забороняє людина отримує або уділяти тайни або проведення церковного посту.


Religion; Christianity

Процес визначення Нового Завіту canon та призначення людини, щоб бути Святим.

анафема, відлучення від церкви

Religion; Christianity

(Greek, "suspended"). Condemned; cut off from the church. The word is used in Galatians 1:8 and I Corinthians 16:22 to denote separation from the Christian community, and it was often used in the ...


Religion; Christianity

(Latin apologia, "defense"). Branch of Christian scholarship focused on defending the faith against its critics and demonstrating its reasonableness. Examples of apologetic works include Justin ...


Religion; Christianity

(Greek orthos, "correct"). The correct or majority view.


Religion; Christianity

(Greek apostolos, "one sent out"). Missionaries sent out by Jesus, including the disciples and Paul.


Religion; Christianity

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