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Catholic church
The Catholic Church is the world's largest Christian Church with 1.2 billion members worldwide. It is among the oldest institutions in the world and has played a prominent role in western civilization. The Catholic heirarchy is lead by the Pope. The Catholic Church is Trinitarian and defines it's mission as spreading the word and teachings of Jesus Christ.
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Catholic church
Religion; Catholic church
Апостолів своїх наступників, колегії Єпископів, яким Христа дав владу, щоб навчити, освятити і правити церкву його іменем ...
святкові дні
Religion; Catholic church
The annual cycle of liturgical celebrations commemorating the saving mysteries of Christ's life, as a participation in the Paschal Mystery, which is celebrated annually at Easter, the "Feast of ...
Religion; Catholic church
Діяльність християнин, який виконує Апостольський природи цілої Церкви працює над розширити царювання Христа до всього світу ...
Religion; Catholic church
Єресь, яка обслуговувала, що шанування релігійні образи є незаконним. Іконоборство був засуджений невірних, християнські традиції в другий Екуменічний Нікейський 787. д. ...
Religion; Catholic church
A Hebrew word meaning "truly; it is so; let it be done," signifying agreement with what has been said. The prayers of the New Testament and of the Church's liturgy, and the Creeds, conclude with ...
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