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Terms of or relating to a sport in which two opponents engage in hand to hand combat within a defined boundary. A referee manages the match in order to ensure rules are not broken and to declare a winner if a player is not knocked unconscious.

Contributors in Boxing



Sports; Boxing

Each round judge's will give points to the fighters for the punches they throw that land or hit the other boxer. In amateur boxing 20 points can be given in each round and in professional boxing 10 ...


Sports; Boxing

Переглянути Кубок.

потягнувши удар

Sports; Boxing

Витягніть удар означає не виконати на удар. Не вдарити опонента має складно, як ви могли б. Це є незаконним.


Sports; Boxing

Переглянути важку сумку і швидкість мішок.


Sports; Boxing

Загальна сума грошей, які будуть розділені між двома боксерів.

удар в потилицю

Sports; Boxing

A punch that lands on the back of the head or neck of the other fighter. This is an illegal punch.


Sports; Boxing

The official who is in the ring with the boxers and the person who enforces the rules of boxing and makes sure that the fight is clean and fair. He is the one to decide that a boxer is physically ...

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