National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Industry: Aerospace
Number of terms: 16933
Number of blossaries: 2
Company Profile:
The Executive Branch agency of the United States government, responsible for the nation's civilian space program and aeronautics and aerospace research.
Apoapsis в слънчева орбита.
Промяна в скоростта. Имайте предвид, че тъй като скорост включва посоката и големината (скорост), промяна в посоката или скоростта представлява ускорение.
Галактиката, която включва слънцето и земята.
Разположен в Кейп Канаверал, Флорида, на инсталацията за правителството на САЩ, която управлява и експлоатира Америка астронавт стартирането съоръжения. Служи като база за на страната три космически совалки, център за поле на НАСА провежда безпилотни цивилни стартира от съседни Кейп Канаверал ВВС станция. KSC е бил стартира сайта за космически полети на хора всеки САЩ от декември 1968 година.
Петата планета от слънцето, газов гигант или планетата Йовиан.
Two bodies are in quadrature when their difference in celestial longitude is 90 degrees. This is the position of a superior planet when its elongation is 90 degrees, east or west, depending on the direction of the planet from the sun.
Backward (westward) motion of the planet among the stars, resulting from the fact that it is viewed from the moving earth. It is the motion that a planet has when its right ascension is decreasing. Each year, when Earth passes a superior planet, such as Mars, the planet appears to move backward for a short time. It is the same effect you see when two trains are running in the same direction on side by side tracks. The slower train appears to be moving backward.
A celestial coordinate; it is the angular distance measured from the vernal equinox eastward along the celestial equator to the hour circle of a given star or other celestial body. It can be defined also as the arc of the celestial equator or the angle at the celestial pole between the hour circle of the vernal equinox and the hour circle of the body.
The use of telemeters for measuring and transmitting data.
The point in a planet's orbit in which it is closest to earth. When viewing a planet it will appear on the opposite side of the sky as the sun. Two bodies are in opposition when the difference in celestial longitude is 180 degrees.