British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Industry: Broadcasting & receiving
Number of terms: 5074
Number of blossaries: 1
Company Profile:
The largest broadcasting organisation in the world.
Emissions are the CO2 (and other greenhouse gases) produced by energy use, usually calculated and stated as an annual tally: also referred to as your carbon footprint. Your personal emissions can be direct - such as the gas you personally use to heat your home or the petrol you burn to power your car - or indirect - meaning the energy use that has gone into the products or services you buy. The latter, such as the emissions caused by the manufacture of your new TV, or the packaging your food comes in, are also referred to as embodied emissions.
Industry:Natural environment
Fertilisers are given to plants to promote growth. They can be naturally occurring compounds (such as peat) or they can be manufactured - either through natural processes (such as composting) or chemical processes. Fertilisers commonly contain nitrogen, and the use of such fertilisers emits the potent greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide (N20). Using animal manure as fertiliser, though organic, releases another potent greenhouse gas, methane into the atmosphere.
Industry:Natural environment
Fossil fuels are the deposits of crude oil, natural gas and coal formed by the decay, over millions of years, of organic material (plants, trees animals and bacteria). Because the combustion of fossil fuels releases carbon that has been out of the natural carbon cycle for so long (unlike with living or more recently dead organic matter, known as biomass) it affects the balance between stored carbon and carbon present in the atmosphere as CO2, a greenhouse gas.
Industry:Natural environment
Industry:Natural environment
Hydrocarbons are compounds made up of hydrogen and carbon only. All fossil fuels - such as coal, oil and gas - are hydrocarbons, until they are burnt when they mix with oxygen, creating (amongst other gases) CO2.
Industry:Natural environment
The greenhouse effect keeps the earth's average temperature at around 14°C. Without it, the planet would be too cold to support human life. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere raise the earth's temperature by trapping energy from the sun after it has hit the earth's surface, rather than allowing it to escape back into space.
Industry:Natural environment
Global warming refers to the increase in the earth's surface (or near-surface) temperature in recent decades due to higher levels of greenhouse gases, and the projected worsening of this effect over time.
Industry:Natural environment
Natural and industrial gases that trap heat from the Earth and warm the surface. The Kyoto Protocol restricts emissions of six greenhouse gases: natural (carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane) and industrial (perfluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons, and sulphur hexafluoride).
Industry:Natural environment
Sera gazı'nın yeteneği ısı emer ve belirli bir süre boyunca atmosferi ısıtmak için bir ölçü birimi. Bir GWP. 0 olan karbondioksit benzer bir kitle göre ölçülür. Yani, örneğin, metan GWP 25 olan 100 yıl, Kyoto Protokolü kullanılan ölçü. Gibi gazlar atmosferi farklı fiyatlara kaldırılır zaman ölçeğini, bilmek önemlidir.
Industry:Natural environment
Klor, fluor ve sadece karbon içeren bileşikler. Yaygın olarak soğutucuları buzdolabı içinde ve saç spreyi gibi ürünlerde kullanılan bir kez yüksek stratosfere kadar gideceğini ve ozon deliği için önemli bir katkı olduğunu. Atmosferde daha düşük rakımlarda onlar güçlü sera gazı, CO2, daha iklim ısınma 10.600 kez daha etkili ama onların genel ısınma etkisi düşüktür. Onların yerine bir kısmını da küresel ısınma karıştığı olsa da bunların kullanımı büyük ölçüde son 20 yılda dışarı aşamalı.
Industry:Natural environment