Home > Blossary: Historical Terms


3 Terms

Created by: melisa

Number of Blossarys: 2

My Terms
Collected Terms

Witenagemot(meeting of wise men) was a political institution in Anglo-Saxon England which operated before the 7th century until the 11th century.

Domain: History; Category: World history

sfatul bătrânilor (adunarea înţelepţilor) era o instituţie politică anglo-saxonă care a funcţionat înainte de sec. 7 şi până în sec. 11.

Domain: History; Category: World history

An ancient Roman city located in the Southeastern part of what is now modern Turkey. It is the ancient name of Diyarbakır.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Oras roman antic, situat in partea de sud-est a teritoriului care reprezinta acum Turcia modernă. Acesta este nume antic al orasului Diyarbakır.

Domain: History; Category: World history

An ancient city in Southeastern Turkey founded by the Umayyads in the 8th century meaning 'castle of Mansur' in Arabic. Name remained as it is until the republican era of Turkey and renamed as Adıyaman after 1926.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Oras stravechi din sud-estul Turciei,intemeiat de Umayyads in secolul al VIII-lea.Numele, de provenienta araba, inseamna "castelul lui Mansur".Si-a pastrat numele pana in perioada republicana a Turciei,cand a fost redenumit Adyaman, dupa 1926.

Domain: History; Category: World history

मध्य युग में, यूरोप में ईसाइयों के बीच आम शब्द एक मुसलमान शत्रुतापूर्ण क्रूसेडरों करने के लिए।

Domain: History; Category: World history

In Evul Mediu,termenul comun, folosit de crestinii europeni pentru a-i desemna pe musulmanii ostili cruciatilor.

Domain: History; Category: World history

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